Por Theophilos Rifiotis
Propostas de comunicação e posters até 20 de novembro 2019.
Trajetvi Partnership for Research and Action is happy to announce that it will hold a pan-Canadian conference ‘’Domestic Violence and Help-Seeking Pathways: Understanding, Taking Action, and Committing to Ending Violence Against Women’’. The conference will take place in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) on November 25, 26 and 27th, 2020, as a part of Quebec’s 12-day campaign of Action to End Violence Against Women.
This conference is designed as a space for collective reflection on the trajectories of violence, help-seeking, and service use of women who are survivors of domestic violence in various vulnerable contexts. Researchers, service providers, students, stakeholders, activists and decision makers across Canada and around the world are invited to join us. For more information, please visit the conference website at the following link : https://colloquetrajetvi2020-english.com/.